How to Play Texas Holdem Like an Expert

Emily Turner
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How to Play Texas Holdem Like an Expert
15 min

Through countless films, tv shows, and endless popular culture references, it’s hard to have not heard of Texas Hold’em Poker, one of the most popular variations of poker played worldwide.

It has deservedly earned a reputation as an exciting and strategic card game that requires skill, intuition, and a smattering of good fortune.

Texas Holdem poker is played with a standard deck of 52 cards, accommodating 2 to 10 players at a single table. The objective is to make the best possible five-card hand using a combination of your own “hole” cards and the shared community cards on the table.

Sounds exciting right?

However, before we commence this guide and dive head first into the world of Texas Hold’em Poker, it’s crucial to grasp the game’s rules and structure.

Hold em is like many things in life, with success coming from a top-tier foundation.

Therefore, building your foundation with a solid understanding of how the game works will enhance your enjoyment and increase your chances of success at the table.

The Essentials

First and foremost, knowing the rules back to front ensures fair, smooth gameplay.

It ensures that all players are on the same page and following a standard set of guidelines. This helps maintain a level playing field and prevents any needless squabbles about rules and technicalities.

Understanding the structure of the game is equally important.

From the dealer’s position to the different betting rounds, each element has its significance.

Knowing the dealer’s role and how the blinds work determines the order in which cards are dealt and the order of play. Getting yourself familiarised with the various betting rounds, such as the pre-flop, flop, turn, and river, allows you to make informed decisions about when to bet, raise, or fold.

By understanding the Texas hold’em rules and structure, you’ll be able to participate confidently in games, make better decisions, and adapt your strategies based on the changing dynamics of each hand.

This is why we’re taking you through the basics for our first section of this guide, and with a watertight, comprehensive understanding of the basics, you’ll be well on your way to becoming a skilled and successful poker player.

Objective of Texas Holdem Poker

Let’s start with the fundamental factor.

What are you aiming to do in Texas holdem poker games?

The objective of Texas Hold’em Poker is to win chips by having the best five-card hand at the showdown or by making all other players fold their hands. You achieve this by combining your own two secret cards (known as “hole” cards) with the five community cards that are revealed on the table throughout the game.

The player with the highest-ranking hand at the end of the round (after the fifth and final card) wins the pot.


Chips are used as the form of currency in Texas Hold’em Poker (although less official circles can use other forms of currency)

Each chip has a specific value assigned to it, which is determined before the game begins. The values are subject to change, depending on the table and the stakes being played, so keep your eyes peeled for the specifics.

As you can imagine, chips play a vital role in betting.

During each betting round, players use chips to place bets, call bets made by others, raise the bet amount, or fold their hands. The value of the chips you bet determines the size of the pot, affects your strategic action, and changes the flow of the game.

Managing your chip stack effectively and understanding the value of your bets are crucial for maintaining control and maximising your chances of winning.

Starting Hand

Starting hands are the two hole cards dealt to you at the beginning of each hand.

Choosing the right starting hands is crucial for success in Texas Hold’em Poker. Some hands have a higher probability of winning than others, so it’s important to be selective and consider your next move wisely with the starting hand you receive.

The usual suspects for strong starting hands include pairs of high-ranking cards (e.g., Ace-Ace, King-King), suited connectors (e.g., Ace-King suited, King-Queen suited), and high-ranking suited cards (e.g., Ace-King, Ace-Queen).

These hands provide a better chance of forming strong combinations and taking the pot home that round.

Different Stages

While seemingly innocuous, the position you occupy influences your strategic decisions in Texas Hold’em Poker.

In an early position (seated close to the left of the dealer), you are relatively limited to cues and information about other players’ hands, so it’s advisable to throw caution to the wind and stick to stronger starting hands.

In the middle position, you have more information as some players have already acted and can attempt to read their cues. You can also expand your range of playable hands but it’s advisable to still hold back a bit and not play too recklessly.

In the late position (seats close to the right of the dealer and the dealer button), you have the advantage of acting last, allowing you to observe your opponents’ actions and use some of that handy poker psychoanalysis (we’ll touch upon this in the next section).

This position offers more opportunities for strategic plays and gives you the freedom to play a wider range of hands.

Reading Opponents

Reading your opponents and their playing styles is one of the most renowned and crucial skills in Texas Hold’em Poker.

Pay attention to their betting patterns, body language, and previous actions to gain insights into their strategies.

Playing styles are exactly like personalities, in the sense they are multi-faceted, dimensional and complex.

Therefore, everyone will have their own unique play style.

Some may play aggressively, frequently betting and raising, while others may be more conservative, folding often. By locking in and becoming a keen observer of these patterns, you can adjust your own play accordingly. Adapt your strategy to exploit their weaknesses or protect yourself against their strengths.

We’ll be writing a deep analysis of reading poker opponents in the near future, so keep an eye on our guides section!

Strategy and Community Cards

The community cards, also known as the board, are the other piece of the puzzle (the first being your two dealt cards) in Texas Hold’em Poker.

As the game progresses, five community cards are gradually revealed (named the flop, turn, and river respectively). These cards are shared by all players and greatly impact the strength of hands and control the flow of the game.

Evaluate the community cards and consider how they might interact with your hole cards to form potential winning combinations. If the community cards provide opportunities for strong hands or if they improve your hand significantly, you can consider taking a more aggressive angle to your betting round.

Conversely, if the community cards don’t align well with your hole cards, exercise caution and consider folding if necessary (especially if you notice any cues that indicate other players have stronger hands, such as raises)

Remember, the community cards are virtually always the defining factor of the round, so stay flexible and adjust your strategy according to how the cards fall when you play Texas hold’em poker.

Hand Rankings

Hand rankings, while providing an entertaining hierarchy, determine the strength of your cards in Texas Hold’em Poker.

Understanding these rankings is essential for making strategic decisions and evaluating the strength of your hand relative to your opponents. It’s one of the backbones of virtually all forms of poker that are played today.

Here are the hand rankings from strongest to weakest:

Remember, the stronger your hand, the better your chances of winning.

But keep an eye on the community cards and your opponents’ actions, as they might have stronger hands or the potential to improve their hands as the round of betting progresses.

If you’d like to dig deeper into this fascinating side of poker, check out our poker hand rankings guide.

Getting Started

Before each hand begins in Texas Hold’em Poker, the dealer position is determined.

It usually rotates clockwise among the players. The dealer is responsible for shuffling and dealing the cards out to the players and laying down each community card.

To the left of the dealer, two players must post the blinds—a forced bet that initiates the betting in pot limit games. The player to the immediate left posts the “small blind,” and the player to the left posts the “big blind.”

The big blind is typically twice the amount of the small blind.

For example, if the big blind was $20, then the small blind will be $10.

Dealing Hole Cards

Once the blinds are posted, the dealer distributes two private cards face down to each player.

These cards are known as the “hole” cards and are unique to each player. To ensure that you’re on top of the game, it’s vital to keep your hole cards secret and not reveal them to other players (and take any measures to prevent giving any other players cues about what you have)

Initial betting round (pre-flop):

Starting with the player to the left of the big blind, each player has the option to “fold” (discard their hand), “call” (match the amount of the big blind), or “raise” (increase the bet). The small blind and big blind players have already laid down their required bets, so they can choose to call or raise.

This betting round continues clockwise until all players have had a chance to act.

If all players choose to fold, the hand ends, and the player who posted the big blind wins the pot.

The flop and second betting round:

Following the conclusion of the pre-flop betting round, the dealer places down three community cards on the poker table. This is called “the flop.” Every player uses these cards with equal access and utilises them with their hole cards to make the most formidable hand possible.

A second round of betting ensues, with the player at the direct left of the dealer commencing the round.

Players can choose to check (pass the action to the next player), bet (place a wager), call (match a bet), raise (increase the bet amount), or fold (discard their hand).

The turn and third betting round:

Following the flop and the second betting round, the dealer brings the fourth community card to the table, known as “fourth street” or “the turn”.

This card joins the three existing community cards on the table.

Another betting round takes place, with the same options of check, bet, call, raise, or fold. Starting from the player to the left of the dealer, players make their decisions based on their hole cards and the five community cards.

The river and final betting round:

After the turn and the third betting round, the dealer introduces the final community card, commonly known as “the river” or “fifth street.”

This card completes the set of community cards on the table, totalling five.

A final round of betting occurs, with the same options as the previous rounds. Players evaluate their hole cards, the community cards, and the betting actions of their opponents to make strategic decisions.

Showdown and determining the winner:

If there are two or more players remaining after the final betting round, a showdown occurs. Players reveal their hole cards, and the best five-card hand wins the pot. If there is a tie, the pot is split between the players with the same ranking hands.

It’s important to note that players can win the pot by either having the best hand at the showdown or by making all other players fold their hands.

By understanding the dealer and blinds, the dealing of hole cards, the various betting rounds, and the process of determining the winner at the showdown, you’re ready to embark on an exciting journey into the world of Texas Hold’em Poker.

Good luck and enjoy the game!

Different types of bets (check, bet, call, raise, fold):

In Texas Hold’em Poker, different types of bets play a crucial role in the gameplay:

Bankroll and Betting Strategies

Remember, betting is an essential element of the Texas Hold’em game, and when you play Texas hold’em poker, mastering the betting round will see your overall competency skyrocket.

Understand the different types of bets, calculate pot odds and expected value, and implement effective betting strategies!

And much like any other skill, practice and experience will enhance your betting over time.

Online Poker

Understandably, online poker sites have taken the world by storm.

Online poker platforms are online poker sites or mobile applications that host poker games and allow players to participate in real-time.

These platforms provide a virtual environment where players from around the world can compete against each other, offering various game types, stakes, and tournament options.

Setting up an online account:

To play online poker, you’ll need to set up an account on a reputable online poker site.

The process typically involves registering with your personal information, creating a username and password, and verifying your identity by providing a government-issued ID and/or verifying your email address.

Once your account is set up, you can choose to play for free or deposit real money to join cash games or tournaments.

Advantages and disadvantages of online poker

Knowing the pros and cons of hopping into an online poker room with Texas Holdem rules will help you make better decisions in your playing habits.

Advantages of online poker:

Disadvantages of online poker:

Online poker strategies and tips:

When you play Texas hold’em Poker online, generally the same game and betting rules apply.


Thanks for making it to the end of the guide!

Hopefully, by now you’ve got a bit of a clearer picture of what exactly to expect before you hit the table for a Texas hold’em game, whether that is under the glittering casino lights or in your friend’s living room.

Whatever context, the fundamentals of the Texas hold’em game remain the same.

Remember your strategy, don’t make decisions based on emotions, stay calm and cool-headed, and pay attention to your fellow players and don’t give too much away.

While Texas hold’em is affected by luck to an extent due to the random nature of the cards dealt, skill and strong playing habits will ensure you more success at the table over time, especially as your skills and experience start to develop more and more.

At the end of the day, remember to have fun, enjoy yourself, and never bet more than you can afford to lose.

Good luck out there, and we’ll see you at the next casino royale!

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How to Play Poker FAQ

Fortunately, poker rules are quite straightforward and easy to pick up.
However, the intricacies, flow and strategies of the game are virtually limitless and expertise in these areas often defines the difference between a newbie and a world poker tour player.

Texas hold ’em is a game that incorporates both luck and skill and is highly influenced by chance as cards the dealer deals, both dealt face up and down, are random.
In saying this, skilled players will outperform less skilled players consistently over time.

Look no further than here for a list of the best places to play online poker as a punter in Australia.

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Emily Turner
Emily Turner Content Writer
43 Articles 0 Reviews

Emily is our seasoned content writer. She writes easy to read and helpful game guides, so you can quickly understand the rules of each game and get some useful tips that can help boost your chances of winning.

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Last updated: June 27, 2024